27 January 2009

The loosing side

This one was made several days ago but had a bunch of minor issues that needed fixing in photoshop, and due to several re-installations of windows i did not have photoshop installed. So, took the time today and installed in and fixed most of the issues with the picture. I originally planned to take serveral angles, but due to the many glitches that would have to be fixed in each image and also the rather long render time i won't make any more for now. Sorry for not posting much latly but have so much stuff going on right now so its hard to keep up. Hopefully i will be able to get a bit more active once things settle down a bit. Anyways, here is the pic, enjoy!(high res again, might be worth looking at in full view)


Anonymous said...

I like the reflection.

Anonymous said...

Love this. Plan to do any more in this set?

RawDarkness said...

I might, lots of work with the materials but i quite like how it turned out so i might expand on this one.

Mimi K9 said...

lol I guess sometimes loosing isn't such a bad thing ;-)